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The Ski Survival Kit

It's time to hit the slopes. Ride the frozen wave. Get hideously drunk in the bar at the bottom of the slope. Whatever floats your boat. The mountains are a dangerous place. Slippery snow, crazy high risk of sunburn (how??) and polar bears (maybe. Probably not.) Atlantic Folk can help you (except the polar bear thing. You're on your own with that). Grab this kit, rent some skis and have the time of your life. Or at least gain a really cool story for why all four of your limbs are broken and it hurts every time you breathe.

Atlantic Folk has hand-blended lip oil using coconut oil to soothe them from the biting cold. They made moisturising after-sun cream with sunflower seed and rosemary to restore them from the elements.

They included a hip flask for the ride and a glasses cord for when the ride gets bumpy. Then put it all in a rugged tin that's made for the job.