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150 Nature Hot Spots In Canada

150 Nature Hot Spots in Canada features a selection of destinations from the four existing Canadian nature hot spot guides with the addition of destinations in Quebec, Atlantic Canada and the territories. Like the other titles in the series, this guide is for travelers and adventurers looking to explore the Canadian Outdoors -- a country with no shortage of breathtaking nature destinations.

The first section profiles 85 hot spots across the country, with details on location, accessibility and natural and recreational highlights. The second section features 65 destinations chosen for their specialized appeal, from backpacking trails to scenic drives to birdwatching. In all, the 150 nature hot spots provide options for every reader's taste and interests.

Here is a small sampling of the hot spots you'll discover:

 West Coast (British Columbia) includes Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, Botanical Beach, Ancient Forest Provincial Park and Gwaii Haanas National Park

  • Prairie Provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) includes Waterton Lakes National Park (AB), Dinosaur Provincial Park (AB), the Great Sandhills (SK) and Whiteshell Provincial Park (MB)
  • Central Canada (Ontario, Quebec) includes Long Point Provincial Park (ON), Rouge National Urban Park (ON), Thirty Thousand Islands (ON), Forillon National Park (QC) and Charlevoix Biosphere Reserve (QC)
  • Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador) includes Fundy National Park (NB), Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site (NS), Basin Head Provincial Park/Singing Sands (PEI) and Change Island and Fogo Island (NL)
  • The North (Yukon Territories, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, plus northern BC, AB, SK and MB) Kluane National Park (YT), Great Slave Lake (NWT), Wood Buffalo National Park (AB/NWT), Churchill (MB) and Auyuittuq National Park (NU).

    150 Nature Hot Spots in Canada is a nature lover's indispensable guide to the entire country, one that's known worldwide for its incredible sea-to-sea natural beauty and its endless recreational opportunities.